{"id":22326,"date":"2022-08-03T22:15:42","date_gmt":"2022-08-04T02:15:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=22326"},"modified":"2022-08-03T22:15:42","modified_gmt":"2022-08-04T02:15:42","slug":"tim-to-sponsor-game-cultures-girl-pwr-valorant-tournament","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/tim-to-sponsor-game-cultures-girl-pwr-valorant-tournament\/","title":{"rendered":"TIM to sponsor Game Culture’s Girl Pwr VALORANT tournament"},"content":{"rendered":"

Leading Italian telecom group TIM has just signed a sponsorship agreement with Gaming Culture for the Girl Pwr VALORANT<\/a> tournament, which will be held in Brazil from August 10 to September 1. The competition is part of the Game Changers Academy circuit organized by Riot Games.
\nAs a major event sponsor, the telecommunications company will promote its TIM Live Ultra Fibra service. Other monitor brands sponsoring the event include TikTok, AOC, and the Inteli Institute.
\nSeveral well-known local all-women VALORANT teams such as B4 Angels, Stars Horizon, and Gamelanders Purple would be part of the competition to win the R$20,000 (~US$3,150) prize pool. The Girl Pwr VALORANT was created by Gaming Culture far back in 2020 and became popular locally because it aided women’s inclusion in the world of esports.
\nThe first edition took place in November 2020, and it included acts such as Vikings Female and Fire Angels (who have since been renamed INTZ Angels) who emerged in the first place. Its first prize pool was 10,000 Brazilian Reals, which was approximately US$1,779 at the time. And in the second edition last year, the prize pool was doubled to R$20,000 (US$3,477).
\nThe upcoming event will be the fifth edition of the competition since it was formed. Riot Games welcomed the tournament into the VALORANT Game Changers program in 2021. The program was created to strengthen an ecosystem in esports that women, as well as other gender minorities, would be a part of.
\nPeterson Rodrigues, the CEO of Gaming Culture, spoke concerning the deal and revealed that the creators of the competition were proud of their achievements and only had intentions of growing from there.
\nHe said, “Girl Pwr VALORANT is a competition that in 2022 completes 2 years of existence; we are proud to be one of Riot\u2019s first female FPS tournaments. Arriving in our 5th edition with the master sponsorship of TIM LIVE shows that we are still on the right path and that the scene only tends to grow.”
\nTIM\u2019s other ties in Brazilian esports include a sponsorship deal with one of the most known organizations in the country, paiN Gaming. The duo renewed their agreement in May 2022 for the third year in a row. The organization also brought in two talents from the esports group to stand in as brand ambassadors for TIM Live, its broadband product; streamer Gabriel “Kami” Santos and Matheus “dyNquedo” Miranda.\u00a0
\nAs part of the agreement, paiN was also supposed to promote the broadband by displaying it on the team\u2019s jerseys and via social media activations. Italy\u2019s top football division, Serie A, is also a major partner of TIM.
\nPrior to the recent tournament, Girl Pwr also had several sponsors. Outback Steakhouse, as well as Banco do Brazil, were both partners of the all-female esports tournament in its previous editions. Gaming Culture had also been in partnership with gaming monitor brand AOC since the second edition of the tournament.\u00a0\u00a0<\/p>\n

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