{"id":22058,"date":"2022-07-24T17:29:37","date_gmt":"2022-07-24T21:29:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=22058"},"modified":"2022-07-24T17:29:37","modified_gmt":"2022-07-24T21:29:37","slug":"cloud9-set-to-dissolve-valorant-academy-roster","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/cloud9-set-to-dissolve-valorant-academy-roster\/","title":{"rendered":"Cloud9 set to dissolve Valorant academy roster"},"content":{"rendered":"

According to reports, the North American organization Cloud9 has notified the players in its Valorant<\/a> academy that they should explore new options.<\/p>\n

It is alleged that the roster that comprises Michael “poiz” Possis, Chase “nillyaz” Linder, and Tanner “geeza” McGhee will be removed from the organization owing to financial concerns over franchising.<\/p>\n

Cloud9 Academy was scheduled to play against the Oxygen Academy and free agent squad ‘City Boys’ later this month; however, the team has decided not to continue competing in the MEL Premiership S3 and has abandoned their remaining games.<\/p>\n

Various organizations have been exiting the Valorant scene prior to the implementation of the partnership system in 2023. In fact, for this limited circuit to work, teams will be encouraged to submit applications in order to compete at the top level of competition. According to several reports, a number of the most prestigious organizations have advanced to the next stage of the Valorant partnership system. <\/p>\n

Also, it is unknown whether teams nominated for the partnership league next year would be required to keep or field an academy roster. This decision may yet be revised, taking into account that the leagues would not begin play until the following year.<\/p>\n

Cloud9 is one of the most well-known organizations in North America and has a long and distinguished track record of working with Riot Games and other tournament organizers. Since the beginning of the year 2018, when franchising was first made available, the organization has had a partnership with Riot for the League Championship Series. They were chosen from about a dozen other teams in North America to move on to the next level of the Valorant partnership. <\/p>\n

Approximately eight to twelve teams will compete in the American League. If they are chosen, Cloud9 will go up against teams from Brazil, Latin America, and other North American countries. The decision will not have any effect on the major Cloud9 lineup, which is scheduled to take part in the last chance qualification for North America the following month. The champion of the competition will be guaranteed a spot in the Champions tournament later this year.<\/p>\n

Amongst many other organizations that have withdraw from the valorant scene is SoaR, which made the announcement on July 15, releasing Ashley “Trill” Powell, Lucas “fiziq” Blow, Victor “v1c” Truong, and Ngawang “epathy” Chonjor.<\/p>\n

The partnership system, which was revealed by Riot on April 28, will commence in 2023 with three international leagues. These leagues will be held on LAN and will include a live audience, provided that the appropriate health and safety criteria are adhered to. The teams from North America will compete against their counterparts from Latin America and Brazil. The second league will be comprised of teams from the MENA region, Europe, Russia, and Turkey. The third league will be comprised of teams from Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan, South Asia, and Oceania, respectively.<\/p>\n

Before Riot makes its final decision on which teams will be picked, each organization is required to disclose its financial information.<\/p>\n

\u2028More esports news<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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