{"id":19147,"date":"2022-03-24T01:35:49","date_gmt":"2022-03-24T05:35:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=19147"},"modified":"2022-03-24T01:38:03","modified_gmt":"2022-03-24T05:38:03","slug":"cdl-major-2-qualifiers-best-bets-odds-friday-march-25","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/cdl-major-2-qualifiers-best-bets-odds-friday-march-25\/","title":{"rendered":"CDL Major 2 Qualifiers best bets & odds \u2013 Friday, March 25"},"content":{"rendered":"

Esportbet brings you free Call of Duty League (CDL) betting picks for three CDL Major 2 Qualifiers matches on Friday, March 25. Here are our picks for Paris Legion vs Toronto Ultra, Los Angeles Thieves vs Los Angeles Guerrillas, and Atlanta FaZe vs Florida Mutineers, with top odds courtesy of GG Bet<\/a>.<\/p>\n


PARIS LEGION vs TORONTO ULTRA CDL BETTING & MATCH DETAILS<\/h2>\n<\/th>\n<\/tr>\n<\/thead>\n

Best Odds:<\/td>\nLegion $5.00 at GG Bet<\/a> | Ultra $1.14 at GG Bet<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nMarch 25, 2022 | 14:00 CDT<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nYouTube (https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/codleague\/live)<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

\u2028Paris Legion got reverse-swept in two of their last three games \u2013 against Minnesota R\u00d8KKR and London Royal Ravens \u2013 and then they lost against the New York Subliners 1-3. Those results put the Legion in a very rough spot, and it’s becoming evident that Bryan “Jimbo” Sabman won’t fix this roster, so the question is, what will?<\/p>\n

At least Paris Legion are winning maps, so it’s not like they’re an easy team to play against, but they’re also not closing out series. Their next opponents, Toronto Ultra, are overall stronger and should have an edge, but they have some glaring weaknesses, namely Hardpoint.<\/p>\n

There’s a world where Toronto Ultra stomp the Legion, so it really comes down to how much faith you have in Legion to be as competitive as they were against R\u00d8KKR and London Royal Ravens. We don’t expect to see any miracles, but Paris Legion should win on Hardpoint, which gives us an excellent opportunity to bet on the correct score market.<\/p>\n


Toronto Ultra 3-1<\/h4>\n
\nGG Bet<\/a>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Best Odds:<\/td>\nThieves $1.50 at GG Bet<\/a> | Guerrillas $2.50 at GG Bet<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nMarch 25, 2022 | 15:30 CDT<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nYouTube (https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/codleague\/live)<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

\u2028The battle of Los Angeles sees the struggling Thieves clash with their city rivals, the Guerrillas. Los Angeles Thieves are 0-3 since the Major, meaning they’ve lost four in a row \u2013 including a 2-3 defeat against Atlanta FaZe at the CDL Major 1.<\/p>\n

They’ve since stumbled against London Royal Ravens (0-3) OpTic Texas (2-3) and got reverse-swept against Minnesota R\u00d8KKR (2-3) this weekend. It’s a terrible record to hold, but we have to acknowledge that the Thieves choked against R\u00d8KKR while their remaining three defeats came against some of the top teams in the Call of Duty League<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Like Los Angeles Thieves, the Guerrillas are very tough to sort out \u2013 you know they’re not very good, but they won against Seattle Surge, so they can’t be terrible either. Still, we’re leaning more towards the Thieves for this bout.<\/p>\n

Their record isn’t excellent, but the Los Angeles Thieves had a very rough schedule, and they’re much better than what they showed against R\u00d8KKR last time out. <\/p>\n


Los Angeles Thieves -1.5 maps<\/h4>\n
GG Bet<\/a>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


Best Odds:<\/td>\nFaZe $1.28 at GG Bet<\/a> | Mutineers $3.50 at GG Bet<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nMarch 25, 2022 | 17:00 CDT<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nYouTube (https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/codleague\/live)<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

\u2028Florida Mutineers are an interesting team. They stomped Los Angeles Guerrillas (3-0) and New York Subliners (3-0), and even though they lost against OpTic Texas (0-3) last week, the Mutineers played a very close series, which could easily reach map five.<\/p>\n

We keep seeing upside from this squad, so while they might not look too dangerous, we would keep an eye on Florida Mutineers comes the next Major. Unfortunately, despite their moments of greatness, it’s unlikely for the Mutineers to defeat Atlanta FaZe.<\/p>\n

Not only are FaZe better individually, but Florida Mutineer’s two best maps (Bocage and Tuscan) are also FaZe’s best maps. FaZe to win with at least two maps to spare is an obvious choice with some security, but we’re out for a higher payout.<\/p>\n


Atlanta FaZe -2.5 maps<\/h4>\n
\nGG Bet<\/a>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

\u2028More esports betting tips<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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