{"id":11634,"date":"2020-06-18T07:00:24","date_gmt":"2020-06-18T07:00:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=11634"},"modified":"2020-06-18T07:00:24","modified_gmt":"2020-06-18T07:00:24","slug":"gam-esports-vs-evos-esports-betting-tips-vcs-summer-2020","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/gam-esports-vs-evos-esports-betting-tips-vcs-summer-2020\/","title":{"rendered":"GAM Esports vs EVOS Esports betting tips – VCS Summer 2020"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n

GAM ESPORTS vs EVOS ESPORTS LoL BETTING & MATCH DETAILS<\/h2>\n<\/th>\n<\/tr>\n<\/thead>\n

LoL Betting Odds:<\/td>\nGAM $1.57 at GG Bet<\/a> | EVOS $2.27 at GG Bet<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
LoL Betting Lines:<\/td>\nGAM -1.5 at $2.75 | EVOS +1.5 at $1.40<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nJune 20, 2020 at 20:00 ICT<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nLolesports, Twitch<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n


GAM Esports are scheduled to lock horns with EVOS Esports this Saturday in their opening fixture of the 2020 Vietnam Championship Series (VCS) Summer Split.<\/p>\n

GAM finished the VCS Spring regular season at the top of the leaderboard with a near-perfect 13-1 record and equally impressive 27-5 game differential. Despite their dominant performance through the regular season, Tr\u1ea7n “Kiaya” Duy Sang and his crew couldn’t finish the job and went down 2-3 to Team Flash in the grand finals.<\/p>\n

During the off-season, GAM made a couple of roster changes. They parted ways with support Nguy\u1ec5n “Palette” H\u1ea3i Trung and ADC \u0110\u1ed7 “Blazes” \u0110\u00ecnh Sang, replacing them with ADC Hu\u1ef3nh “Jisoo” H\u1eefu Sang and mid laner Tr\u1ea7n “Genza” H\u1ed3ng Ph\u00fac. <\/p>\n

GAM also decided to freshen up their coaching personnel. Last week they acquired ex-V Gaming Adonis support Nguy\u1ec5n “Scary” H\u1ea3i H\u00e0 as the team’s analyst and brought in former Percent Esports coach Phan “JackieWind” Huy Phong as a replacement for Hu\u1ef3nh “Yuna” V\u0103n T\u00e2n, who left for Saigon Buffalo in May.<\/p>\n

GAM recently played at the Pulsefire Cup, where they made it through the group stage without any issues. Although they lost their bout with Saigon Buffalo, GAM picked up two easy wins against Team Secret and Percent Esports to book a spot in the final four. In the playoffs, GAM got their revenge against Team Flash (2-0) and made easy work of Saigon Buffalo (3-1) in the grand finals to claim the trophy and \u20ab100,000,000 (US $4,300) in prize money.<\/p>\n


However, things turned sour for GAM at the Mid-Season Showdown, where they lost against two Pacific Championship Series (PCS) teams in Talon Esports and Machi Esports. GAM finished the tournament with a 1-5 map record, which they earned with a 1-1 draw against Team Flash and 0-2 losses against Machi and the eventual champions, Talon.<\/p>\n

EVOS Esports enter the second split of the season after a fairly solid showing in the VCS Spring Split. They finished the regular season in fourth placed and climbed into third in the post-season, which was an improvement on their fifth-place finish in the VCS 2019 Summer Split.<\/p>\n

EVOS made two roster changes in May, when they signed ex-GAM top laner Ph\u1ea1m “Zeros” Minh L\u1ed9c and parted ways with mid laner Ph\u1ea1m “Coyote” Qu\u1ed1c B\u00ecnh. It remains to be seen whether EVOS will field Zeros in this match since he played only eight games with GAM last split, but he produced far better showings than his new teammates Nguy\u1ec5n “But1” L\u00ea Tu\u1ea5n Anh and Tr\u1ea7n “TH” L\u00ea Trung H\u1eadu, so it’s likely we will see a bit more from him in the upcoming months.<\/p>\n

EVOS also participated at Pulsefire Cup 2020, but they saw less success than GAM. They finished the group stage second with a 1-2 record but fell flat against Saigon Buffalo (0-2) in the semi-finals, thus winding up in third-fourth place.<\/p>\n


The most recent bout between these two sides took place at the start of March, when we saw GAM Esports come away with a convincing 2-0 win. Both maps were very one-sided, although the EVOS top laners had very little impact. Additionally, in game two, Zeros almost singlehandedly carried GAM to victory on Aatrox, so it\u2019s fair to say EVOS will be better prepared this weekend if they decide to field Zeros.<\/p>\n

Although EVOS lost twice to GAM last split, they’re not a bad team. Mid laner Hu\u1ef3nh “Pake” Thanh Ho\u00e0ng, ADC V\u00f5 “Divkid” Thanh T\u00f9ng and jungler Nguy\u1ec5n “Sorn” Minh H\u00e0o are some of the best in the VCS in their respective roles and if Zeros can find his old form from 2019, EVOS will become legitimate VCS Summer title contenders.<\/p>\n

Both teams tend to start strong in a new split, so we can expect a close bout with all three maps played. A few bucks on EVOS as outsiders might also be worth considering.<\/p>\n


Over 2.5 maps<\/h4>\n
GG Bet<\/a>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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